René-Claude Emery


After starting his career as a teacher, René-Claude Emery changed direction in 2002 and became an actor. He graduated from the Serge Martin Theatre School in 2005.

At the Teatro Comico in Sion, Les Artpenteurs and Le Pulloff in Lausanne, and the Théâtre des Osses in Fribourg, he has tried his hand at classics such as Le Roman de Renart, Le Fabuleux La Fontaine, Aeschylus’ Oresteia, Ibsen’s Peer Gynt, Gorky’s Les Bas-Fonds, Shakespeare’s Macbeth, various Molière plays, Seneca and Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex.

In a more contemporary vein, he has performed plays by Louis Calaferte, Blandine Costaz, Jean-Claude Blanc, Eric Masserey, Bastien Fournier, Julien Mages, Howard Barker and, most recently, Coline Ladetto and Jon Fosse. He has also taken part in a clown duo in a selection of classics of the genre.

In 2015, he staged his first professional production of Antonin Artaud’s radio play Pour en finir avec le jugement de dieu in the gardens of the Malévoz psychiatric hospital. At the same time, he writes for the theatre and has founded his own company: La Compagnie du CHARIOT-MIROIR.