Clara Yuna Friedensburg


Clara Yuna began playing the cello at age seven. Despite her young age of 15, she has already received multiple prizes in national and international music competitions, including the Polstjärnepriset (Sweden, 2023), the Bundeswettbewerb Jugend Musiziert (Germany, 2022), the International Anton Rubinstein Competition for Young Cellists (Germany, 2022), Ungdommens Musikkmesterskap (Norway, 2021) and the international Young Musicians Competition in Tallinn (Estonia, 2019). Concert highlights have included performances of Shostakovich’s First Cello Concerto with the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra under Delyana Lazarovay, and Bruch’s Kol Nidrei and Haydn’s Cello Concerto in C major with several youth orchestras. Her teacher is Ole-Eirik Ree at the Barratt Due Academy in Oslo. From September 2023 Clara will be a guest student at the Kronberg Academy with Prof. Frans Helmerson. Clara plays a cello that has been generously made available by the Norwegian Dextra Musica Foundation.