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chamber music


Beethoven, Debussy, Grieg

French brothers, cellist Edgar Moreau and pianist Jérémie Moreau, present three dialogue-rich cello sonatas from three different centuries.


Cello Sonata No. 2 in G minor Op. 5 No. 2

CLAUDE DEBUSSY (1862-1918)
Cello Sonata in D Minor


EDVARD GRIEG (1843-1907)
Cello Sonata in A minor Op. 36

One of the first chamber works to cast the cello as soloist rather than mere supplier of bass-line accompaniment, Beethoven’s Second Cello Sonata was written on a 1786 visit to the Berlin court of King Friedrich Wilhelm II, for virtuoso court cellist Jean-Pierre Duport to perform with Beethoven himself. A darkly dramatic slow introduction, playing to the cello’s lyricism, leads to a resolute Allegro molto più tosto making much of Beethoven’s own virtuosity; the finale is then a playful rondo. Debussy’s classically-proportioned Cello Sonata of 1915 – his first chamber work since the String Quartet of 1893 – opens on a dark and heartfelt Prologue, before an elfin Sérénade and a triumphant Finale. Grieg’s 1883 Cello Sonata shares its A minor key with his Piano Concerto, echoes of which are heard in the concluding Allegro. Preceding that are a dramatic Allegro agitato and a lyrical Andante molto tranquillo.